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Pharmacist designed RxSign® is an electronic signature capture system that combines distinctive software design with today's latest hardware technology, enabling pharmacies to collect, archive, and retrieve required customer signatures in a quick and cost-effective manner.

::: How does it work?

Using a standard database, RxSign®'s specialized software identifies the patient when a prescription is scanned and then determines which signatures are needed. Once the individual accepting the prescriptions signs the pad, the resultant electronic signature is saved on the system. RxSign® logs the specific document that was signed, including the version number. When a new version of the document is introduced by the pharmacy, RxSign® offers the option to prompt customers with an existing signature on file to sign the new document version.
RxSign® is fully configurable and can collect signatures for:
Third Party
Easy-Off Caps
In addition, RxSign® allows quick and accurate signature report generation. Reports can be generated by:
Prescription number
Pickup date
Third party carrier, plan, and group
Easy-Off Caps
RxSign® also tracks aging prescriptions that have not yet been picked up. Pharmacy personnel can then produce a report of prescriptions present in the pharmacy for a specified number of days and contact customers to pick them up. When implemented in tandem with with RxCall® outbound notification system, RxSign® automatically prints every day on the pharmacy's label printer a list of prescriptions that have been sitting in the pharmacy for the pre-configured number of days and triggers RxCall® to place a "will call" reminder call for each prescription order that is both waiting to be picked up and meets the aging criteria.

::: Benefits

RxSign® promotes superior record keeping resulting in improved confidentiality and substantial cost savings. The system:
Eliminates excessive paper documents and their storage
Provides greater confidentiality at the out-window
Streamlines prescription audits and helps protect against chargebacks
Helps rid multiple pickups of the same fill
Assists in will call management

::: Implementation is easy
Comprised of just 3 components in addition to the software: a PC, barcode scanner, and electronic signature pad, RxSign® is designed to minimize hardware investment and to make implementation a snap. Unlike other electronic signature capture systems in the marketplace, RxSign® can operate in the background on your pharmacy's existing PC hardware. Multiple electronic signature capture pads and barcode scanners can be run from a single PC, and a monitor, keyboard, and mouse are necessary only for report generation.
Ask an AIS sales associate for demo information and learn why pharmacist-designed RxSign® is the write solution, write now.

::: Integrates with other powerful technologies